Friday, April 2, 2010


Wowzers! Like the jet over the Rugby World Cup Final game in South Africa in Invictus, my trip to Seattle flew by. I got in and stayed at the Travelodge on Aurora and 85th (and later found out that this is a major corner for prostitution in Seattle) on Tuesday, March 30th in the evening. After checking into my room (which I couldn't get the internet to work, so I wasn't able to post there like I'd hoped), I left immediately for the Cheesecake Factory in or near South Center Mall to meet Steven. Though due to my lack of knowledge of the area (which continued to become abundantly clear throughout my time), I ended up at the Cheesecake Factory downtown... because I'm that good. Steven was gracious enough to make his way farther north and meet me at the downtown location, and after forty five minutes of trying to connect with him and shabbily explain where I was (using arbitrary street corners and store front names as my primary guidance system) we finally sat down for dinner. How great was it to catch up with Steven? It was seven blue balloons on the greatness scale (full scale breakdown to come). He is a great man, and if you have the chance to be in his company, take it. (Sorry, I'm not using last names for safety sake). I walked him back to his car, he gave me a muffin (delicious), and showed me the lamb cake his mom won at the bake sale. I really wish I would have had my camera with me, because this cake was awesome and hilarious. I'll see if I can get a picture from him to share with you all.

I then journeyed back to hooker corner to get a good night of sleep (yes, alone for yous with your minds in the guttter). The next morning I drove up to explore the northern suburbs of Seattlesville, and made my way to Snohomish because that's where Mel from Bex and Mel's Jam Time Rockin' Band is from. But I only made it to the very edge of the city before my brother was ready to enjoy the day with me. I picked him up from his work area (again, only after getting myself slightly lost).
From there we went to the Science Fiction Museum and Experience Music Project. This was awesome. A definite must if you're in Seattle and like museums. I know that science fiction and rock music don't have a lot in common, so one museum that offers both may seem strange, but it really is like two separate museums that blend together just enough to feel like one experience with two parts. Even if you're not that big of a sci-fi or music buff (I don't consider myself either one), it's a fun time for all. The pictures I have from it are as follows: topmost is E.T.; the one directly to the right is an outside picture with the monorail track running through the museum (think the shiny gold wave is the EMP, and the blue part to the left is the SFM with an alien craft protecting it); Donatello (my favorite Ninja Turtle!); a Storm Trooper from Star Wars shooting you; giant tower of guitars and other various musical instruments; R2-D2; and Yoda.

After the museum, it was time to head back up to North Gate to see Andy's place and visit the chickens growing up in their house until they are big enough for the coop. I got to meet two of his roommates, and then we went to his friend Troy's house to jam. I am not a musician, so I just enjoyed the experience until Katy was off work.

When Katy was ready, I headed down to Sammamish to meet up with her, got to meet her mom (who cooked an AMAZING "impromtu" [though I still don't believe that she doesn't cook that frequently judging from how good the dinner was]), and then back into Seattle to Katy's place. We built a fire there because it was real cold in the house that night, made s'mores and hung out with her roommates. The next morning Katy and I went for a walk around Queen Anne, got coffee and did some general site-seeing. I didn't have much time that day becuase I then had to drive to Wenatchee to meet up with Lee to get camping equipment for Sarah. After that, it was back to Spokane about 51 hours after I had arrived in Seattle. Fast trip, but great drip. Not a whole lot of nature-venturing, but still quite the grand adventure!

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