Friday, April 16, 2010

Month's End Recap

Congratulations, Dear Viewer,

Today marks the last day of the first month of my adventure. As always, in some respects my trip has flown by, and in others it seems to have been much longer than just a month. Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment to thank Sarah, Melissa, Becka, Heather, Katy, Ben, Jeff and Lacey for being gracious enough to open their homes to me.

A quick little recap on where I've been: I started in Denver, then went to Spokane, Seattle, back to Spokane, Portland, Eugene, and now I'm back in Spokane. Here's a little treat for all of you visual learners out there:

That's generally what my trip would look like if you plotted it out on the globe... then cut the globe up so you could only see part of it and drew a blue line where I had been and shoved green flags in my destinations.

One month ago today I was putting all of the finishing touches on planning for the first leg of my journey, as well as getting all of the last minute things together (most notably getting my car fixed the first time). And in the last month I've had some of my most content, joyous, upbeat moments, as well as my most somber, lonely and exhausted ones.

I should also note at this point that because of the nature of the beast, this post has been written and created over the course of a few days, and I've since fallen slightly under the weather. So for anything incoherent here, I do apologize. I'm fighting to keep a steady stream of thought, but I want to get you all out an update since it has been so long.

As I'm putting my final touches on the video for the next post (Oregon!), I'm beginning to see that as my experiences are unfolding on this trip, they are starting a metamorphosis into what I consider objective life-lessons. Just as I had hoped, though maybe not with the same degree of shocking epiphany, the wayward journey I am taking is transmogrifying into the eventual philosophical definitions of reality upon which I will ultimately base certain aspects of my life.

One month down and one more to go, right in the middle. And however pretentious I sound now, know that I am developing, and this blog is as much for me as it is for you. I realize that I have been provided an opportunity because of various privileges I have, and though I admit I'm probably not even fully aware of all the privileges granted me, I am grateful as I can be.

I will try to shed some light into the specifics of my early revelations in my next post, but for now, I think I've given you enough of my musings (because I know feeling ill is not helping me much at this point).

1 comment:

  1. Where'd you go Kaio? It's been a while since you posted :) I hope your trip is going well old roomie!
