Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So after the recent backlash and uprising against my knocks against my mother's backyard, I decided to change the opening video to something that is more sympathetic to the plight of a garden not yet teeming with life for the spring. I hope you enjoy.

But for the prologue to be complete, I do have to tell some of the story of trying to get ready to go tomorrow morning. As some of you know, I broke a bearing in my car in the last couple weeks and had to get it repaired. I dropped it off at Keller Bros Auto Monday morning before work. Late morning, they called me to verify that I did indeed have a broken bearing, but they also found that my water pump was leaking. At the advice of Lloyd, I agreed to let them fix that as well so my car would retain its functionality through my trip. I was also informed that all of this would cost upward of $800, a fair chunk of the money I had saved for the trip. At the end of the day, I was informed that it would be done Tuesday morning (this morning). I spent most of the day calling to see how it was doing and waiting. To make a long story short, it was finally finished about 5:00 this afternoon (just in the nick of time), and I picked it up. Now everything runs great, though the steering wheel seems to be very slightly crooked. So thank you Keller Bros Auto for job well done. If I had one complaint though, it would be the relative lack of communication during the process. But still got me set in time.

Secondly, I want to take a moment to public thank Gershwin, Lara and Doug for their support and freedom for me over the last few weeks. Though my car problems today forbid me from meeting with them one last time before I left, know that your blessings and encouragement will be taken forward with me as I go. To my freshmen guys: have fun while I'm gone; keep learning math; and be kind to each other. No matter how you differ, you are all going through this crazy life together. Be kind.

Also, thanks so much for the support and well-wishes of my collegues at work, both Lincoln and Harrison. You all have been tremendously positive to me, and I could not thank you enough. Keep selling dreams, smiling, dialing, and enjoying the easy life that the new scripter will provide :) I wish I was there with you to take it live.

And to my mom, dad, Bryan, Nathan and all my CO friends and family I say this: we'll be in contact. You have taught me strength so I can fly without my wings getting tired. I hope I have done the same for you as the crossroads of life are starting to unfold. And I know, as I hope you do too, that when my wings to get tired, I will always have a place to land... metaphorically of course... I don't really have wings... I'm not some sort of bird man... really.

Thank you all. Stay posted. I'll promise to keep updating this if you promise to keep looking at it. Deal? Deal.

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