Sunday, March 14, 2010

Introduction and Explanation

Welcome to the multimedia blog for the Grand Adventure of Kyle Brooksher. If you've been invited to join, I welcome you and thank you for coming. If you've come across the blog from an outside source, thanks for visiting and I hope your mini-adventure on the the site is an enjoyable one. Either way, come back often and tell your friends. I'm sure there will be something on here for every person if they are open to taking something away. If you have ideas of things you'd like to see, suggest them. As in the sentiment of The Producers, if you enjoy what you see, spread the word, but if you don't... you can keep that to yourself.

I encourage you to watch the videos, look at the pictures, and read the words. As with any discipline, whether artistic or scientific, practice is the key to enhancement, so I hope my quality will improve with time across all the media I hope to utilize.

More to come as my adventure gets under way. Thanks for tuning in!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to sharing this adventure with Kyle, born on a day when God was feeling particularly mischevious. Life through Kyle's eyes is always a treat. Travel safely, dear one! Susan M.
